Part 1: Ray returns from vacationing in Key West and he describes a little of his trip and the Hemingway Look-a-Like Contest at Sloppy Joe’s. Paula Deen’s husband Michael Groover won this year. He goes into the FBI, CIA and other things in the news.
Part 2: Ray and Debi talk about the opioid crisis.
07-23-18 Education and Eric Brakey
Part 1: David Jones is joined by Debi Davis and U.S Senate candidate Eric Brakey. Eric talks on the latest in Iran and his thoughts on the Presidents tweets towards Iran.
Part 2: David Jones is on air with U.S Senate candidate Eric Brakey, GOP Chairwomen Demi Kouzounas and David Boye. Eric talks on how Angus King votes and if he really is an Independent? David Boye gives us a campaign update on Senator Brakey. Eric gives a quick review of what he has done in the Maine State Senate.
Part 3: Eric Brakey talks on the historic moments that are going on in his U.S Senate run. Demi gives an overview of the races in Maine and if we really are a purple state going into the elections in November.
Part 4: David Jones is taking with U.S Senate candidate Eric Brakey, GOP Chairwomen Demi Kouzounas and David Boye. David and company talks on education and the quality of education across the country. David takes a caller to discuss Angus king.
Part 5: Eric Brakey talks on school loans and what the government has to do with it. Senator Brakey also talks on the importance of trade school, especially in Maine today.
Part 6: Demi talks on the referendum question one on the ballot this fall and what it means for the education system in Maine. Eric also talks on welfare abuse and how it is a real problem in Maine.
Part 7: The final segment of today’s show, David is with joined by Eric Brakey, Demi Kouzounas and David Boye. Demi talks on how Senator Brakey can relate to multiple different generations and what he can do to benefit the baby boomers and the millennial. David and Demi make large donations to Eric Brakeys campaign live on air.
07-23-18 What has he done?
Part 1: David Jones is on air with Debi Davis to talk on the 81 things President Trump has accomplished this far in his presidency. David talks on things like the economy, jobs and infrastructure in the US.