Part 1: Ray touches on the vote happening in Augusta today on the bills that Gov. LePage has vetoed. Fox News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland joins by phone to discuss the nominations. Pres. Trump will be giving his “Prime Time” announcement tonight. There are two swing votes, Sen. Susan Collins, (R. Maine) and Sen. Lisa Murkowski, (R. Alaska). Ray and Debi talk about the boys trapped in a cave in Thailand.
Part 2: Ray continues on the Veto of bills that are in front of the Maine House. Assistant Minority House Leader Ellie Espling will be joining us later this am. Ray and Debi talk about the Democratic Party and how they have changed. Debi would like them to go back to the party.
Part 3: The Pine Tree Zone program, created in 2003 as a way to spur economic activity in hard-pressed corners of the state, offers reimbursements and tax credits to qualified businesses. OPEGA estimated that this year the state will lose $12.1 million in tax revenue through the program. George Gervais, the DECD commissioner oversees the program.
07-06-18 Being a Governor
Part 1: Joe starts this segment with his other hat as Treasurer of Shawn Moody for Governor on. July 17th deadline for the fundraising. They talk about the job of being a Governor. What makes a person “qualified”. Ray points out that it is a job that you have no idea how to do unless you have been in the office. Being part of the Legislative branch is a completely different role than being Governor.
Part 2: The boys go back to Scott Pruitt and how easily it is to get sucked into the swamp.
Part 3: The boys talk about trade wars and the tariffs. Canada, Japan do we really want free trade? They also discuss NATO and the United States’ financial support. They also discuss other possible locations for NATO. Ray takes us back to the Supreme Court nominations. They talk about settled law and the 2nd Amendment and Susan Collins.
Part 4: The talk of this segment is about the differences of the Gubernatorial Candidates. Shawn Moody for Governor is the way to vote if you want to stay on the path that Governor LePage has started.
07-06-18 Governor LePage
Part 1: Ray, Joe and Debi are joined by Governor Paul LePage by phone. They talk about some of the Bills that he has vetoed. They talk about Medicaid Expansion. They talk about the budget and how the legislature has squandered what would have been saved. They talk about the election and the Gubernatorial Candidates. They talk about the Conversion Bill. Be careful what you wish for.
Part 2: Ray asks the Gov. about Marty Grohman and they touch on Ranked Choice Voting. Ray asks the Gov. about property foreclosure on the elderly. The Gov. points out how the Democrats seem to be attacking the elderly. Gov. LePage stresses how important it is to elect Shawn Moody as Governor to keep the upward trend of the state.
There is only one audio, second part is after commercials.
07-06-18 The Swamp
Part 1: Ray, Debi and Joe Bruno talk about the hot, hot, weather spell that Maine has been having. Then they talk about the EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt has resigned after months of ethics controversies, citing “the unrelenting attacks” on himself and his family, which “have taken a sizable toll on all of us.” They take a call about the EPA resignation. They speculate on who will take over.
Part 2: They head to the Supreme Court Nominations. Trump’s top picks are: Amy Coney Barrett, Brett Kavanaugh and Raymond Kethledge. They talk about term limits for offices. It started with Supreme Court’s age and ended up with how Susan Collins vote.
Part 3: Ray and Joe discuss the Governor’s Vetoes that he has signed. Ray asks Joe if he was still in the Legislature, what would some of the conversations would he be having with colleagues and the Governor. Joe talk about tax conformity.
Part 4: Ray, Joe and Debi talk about people attacking other people because they disagree with something they are wearing. Ray also brings back the lady from the Congo that climbed up on the Statue of Lady. Therese Patricia Okoumou, 44, who climbed 200 feet onto the base of the statue. There was a big discussion about her.
Part 5: Ray continues his thoughts on the Congo and the woman that scaled the Statue of Liberty.