Ray and Bob are joined by David Ciullo of Career Management Services and Dale Carnegie Maine, he also hosts The H.R. PowerHour on WLOB Radio. The discussion this morning is about self insuring in business. Ray looses it because the call got dropped.
07-12-18 Maine Heritge Policy Center
Ray and Bob are joined by Terry Brown of The Maine Heritage Policy Center and Scott Wellman. The Maine Heritage Policy Center holds regular business luncheons. This month, they have Scott Wellman, Chief Financial Officer, Puritan Medical Products LLC & Hardwood Products Company LLC, Chair, Board of Directors, MHPC talking about how to save by self-insuring. For more information, visit their website: www.http://mainepolicy.org. They also have an online publication: The Maine Wire.
07-12-18 100 Things to do in Portland
Ray and Debi are joined by Bob Witkowski of Visit Portland to add to his 100 Things to do in Portland Before You Die. He promotes the free concerts around the city. There are free concerts all around the city of Portland, including the Western Prom sunset concert series. For a list the Summer in the Parks concert series. check out the website, www.portlandmaine.gov/651/Summer-in-the-Parks-Concerts.
07-11-18 Sen. Bill Diamond
Part 1: Ray and Sen. Bill Diamond talk about some of the small businesses that have been big contributors to the community. Windham Auto Works and PitStop Fuel are just a couple that make Maine Great! They discuss the problems that the oil delivery companies had this last winter and the legislation that needs to change. Bill talks about a program near and dear to his heart, Windham Neighbors.They continue the small business contributions to community.
Part 2: Bill is corrected by his business partner that it was 3 years without a paycheck. Then they head to hunting….
Part 3: Ray and Bill are joined by Chris Sedenka to discuss the FIFA World Cup. They also talk about the respect starting to come back to soccer and the how the “jawing” at other teams is not as bad as in the past. They also bring in other sports to the respect discussion, basketball and baseball. Football led to a whole different discussion about the standing for the Flag issue.
Part 4: Ray and Bill talk about the Maine Mammoths and there is no kneeling at their games. The boys talk about some of the other sports teams around Portland. Bill loves hockey.