Part 1: Ray’s morning starts with Joe Bruno’s outfit and golf. The boys talk about the differences between a straw poll and a survey. Ray and Joe talk about the different Republican candidates: Shawn Moody, Mary Mayhew, Ken Fredette and Garrett Mason.
Part 2: The boys take a call from Larry about immigration.
05-10-18 Pat Callaghan
Part 1: Ray is joined by Pat Callaghan of News Center Maine by phone. The boys talk about the Beatles and Billy Graham and their roles in tearing down barriers. Ray asks Pat about the gubernatorial debates that were held on his station. Pat gives his thoughts on some of the highlights on the Democrat candidates within the debate. They talk about Adam Cote’s commercial.
Part 2: Ray and Pat discuss the Republican debate that they held. Pat gives his thought on the different candidates. They talk about how different Shawn Moody and Garett Mason are in personalities. They also talk about how the Maine DHHS will effect Mary Mayhew’s campaign if she wins the primary.
05-10-18 Lincoln’s 2nd Inaugural Address
Part 1: Ray reflects on the movie “Lincoln” with Daniel Day Lewis and what a fantastic job that Steven Spielberg did with that movie. He then reads President Lincoln’s second Inaugural Address and stresses that is still true and maybe more poignant in today’s society.
Part 2: Ray and Peter take a call and he talks about the segment before and the millennial generation. He also points out how the common values in our country have changed. Ray and Peter continue the discussion. Peter stresses that it is important to get back to finding unity as a country. Religion isn’t the way because there way too many religions in our country. All Americans should be labeled as Americans. Hyphenated American designations divides us. Another caller agrees with the other caller and Ray. He believes the reason people are trying so hard to be in our country are the programs that they can benefit from because of the liberals.
Part 3: Ray and Peter give the callers from the last segment kudos and say that there are more people that think that way, but because of political correctness might not feel that they can speak their mind. Ray brings it back to the Lincoln speech from before.
05-10-18 Nobel Peace Prize
Ray and Peter talk about how President Trump is a deal maker and is bringing peace to the world. He has gotten North and South Korea talking to each other. He has gotten North Korea to release American hostages without anything in return. Ray also brings up our relationship with the Russian people and Iraq.