Part 1: Ray, Tim, Joe and Debi discuss with Rep. Wayne Parry about how the Maine House has been run this session. He says that they have virtually done nothing but waist time and push the bills back to the end of the session. Now they still have gotten all of the work done that they needed to get done. Now the Democrats are blaming the Republicans for not getting work done because they don’t want to have a special session or extend the session.
Part 2: Ray plays a speech from Representative Drew Gattine about extending the session and because they didn’t get the job done. The panel examine his speech. Unfortunately, this segment had technical difficuties. Here is a link to the speech from Rep. Gattine. Ray points out that if you listen to it you can hear Drew admit that they need to stay because they still have money to spend. Drew Gattine’s Speech from the House floor.
Part 3: They continue the discussion on special session.
04-20-18 Shawn Moody
Part 1: The boys are joined by Gubernatorial Candidate Shawn Moody and Maine Representative Wayne Parry. They have an honest discussion on the difference between southern Maine and northern Maine. Northern Maine is frustrated because they aren’t being well represented and can’t afford the same wages and other things that southern Maine can offer. Shawn says that the legislature has pulled one leg out of the important three legged stool to raise a strong workforce in kids. Shawn states that he is a strategic thinker an doesn’t just look to next week, he is looking into the next five years. Shawn says it isn’t Northern vs Southern, it is more Urban vs Rural.
Part 2: Ray talks about the economical downturn will affect the workforce. Wayne also mentions what will happen with a recession and the trades. There isn’t people to work in the trades. Joe talks about the kids in college need to have work experience or they are not hire-able. They talk about Maine being the oldest and yet highest taxed state. Shawn says that he is both a blue-collar and a white collar executive and we need to work together.
04-20-18 Yellow Tulip Project
Ray gives a preview to next Friday’s guest Julia Hansen of The Yellow Tulip Project and their focus of bringing suicide out of the dark. Tim Wilson expands because of their work with Seeds of Peace.
04-20-18 Jeff Timberlake
Ray, Joe and Debi are joined by Tim Wilson of Seeds of Peace and Maine Rep. Jeff Timberlake. Rep. Timberlake is serving his second consecutive term on the Appropriations committee. He calls in to let us know what is actually happening up in Augusta in his committee. “Poor management on your part, doesn’t mean crisis on our part,” is his description of the Majority Party Leadership.