Part 1: Ray is joined by State Rep. Wayne Parry. He wanted to discuss Ranked Choice Voting to hopefully inform our audience to how it will work. It is a very confusing situation. We took a question from caller Gordon Draper and from frequent caller Larry.
Part 2: They continue to try to make this all clear.
03-07-18 Department of Justice
Ray is really confused as to why the Department of Justice and the US Attorney General Jeff Sessions have not issue an arrest warrant for the Governor of California and the Mayor of Oakland. Gov. Jerry Brown has made California a sanctuary state and has warned any business that cooperates with ICE will have major consequences. The Mayor of Oakland Libby Schaaf issued a warning that there was going to be an immigrant roundup in advance.
03-07-18 Dee Dee’s Law
Ray and Dr. Michael Ciampi discuss what they call “Dee Dee’s Law” LD445. It is a large bill that has passed. It is “An Act To Encourage Maine Consumers To Comparison-shop for Certain Health Care Procedures and To Lower Health Care Costs” sponsored by Senator Rodney Whittemore. Within this bill is a paragraph that allows subscription based physicians to be able refer patients to another physician.
03-07-18 Gun Free Zone
Ray and the Doc talk about gun free zones. The discussion goes to how is it possible to feel safe if you can’t defend yourself. Ray brings up Phil Bartlett, (D) Gorham, who apposes any discussion in gun free zones. All he wants is to take the guns.