David and Rich give a quick ending to their debate on Question 1, Casino. Ray polls the panel on whether it will pass/fail. The panel then focuses on Question 2, Medicaid Expansion. The all agree that this is a bad deal for Maine. The Yes on 2 campaign has done nothing but campaign on emotion.
11-07-17 Decker on Trump’s Asia Trip
Fox News Radio’s Jon Decker lets us know what happening in Asia on Trump’s visit to South Korea. Ray asks him about the coy fish incident. They talk about food, customs and 38th parallel. He will be back on Thursday after he goes to the DMZ.
11-07-17 Maine Referendums
Maine State Rep. Rich Cebra, David Jones, Gordon Draper, ME Republican Party Chair, Demi Kouzounas, Debi and Ray all discuss some of the items on ballots. Lewiston/Auburn is voting on whether to merge the cities together. Then, there is a debate on Maine State Referendum Question 1 on the Casino in York County, between David and Rich.
11-07-17 Fake News
Ray is all in an uproar about how the media is reporting Trump’s visit to South Korea. According to the media, Trump is a disgraceful mess and totally embarrassing to the US. especially while feeding the coy fish.