Segment 1: Ray Richardson opens up with the President Biden’s plan to join UAW picket in Michigan, car maker subsidies, electric cars, he responds to John’s text about electric cars, he takes a call from Gunny Mike, and more.
Segment 2: Ray addresses a text and gets more in the electric cars issues.
Segment 3: David Jones (FO Bailey Real Estate) joins Ray and Dee Dee and they continue to talk about electric cars, the mining of lithium, the border patrol agent that was attacked, illegal immigration, and more.
Segment 4: Sophia Pride (Steamboat Landing Mini Golf) joins the fun. Ray asks her about her school schedule and classes.
Segment 5: Ray addresses a text from listener #91 about the poem “Man in the Arena” and states how our country was set up. David talks about Sen. King getting him blocked on Twitter because he disagreed with Sen. King. They discuss some of the areas that they censor freedoms. They take a call.
Segment 6: Ray reads the “Man in the Arena” and they discuss what it means to be an American and the people coming into our country illegally vs the people coming in through the proper channels. Gordan Draper calls in.
Segment 7: Ray and David continue to discuss the homeless, working the system, and more. Al from Saco calls in.
Segment 8: They take calls on the government prioritizing the problems with the homeless.
Segments 9-10: Ethan of Saco calls in. Sean Spicer joins Ray and the panel and he teases Ray about the cutting off Ethan for him. They talk about the indictment of Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J. They also get into the next Republican Debate happening on Wednesday at the Reagan Library. Ray asks Sean about the job as a staff member of the President. Follow him and listen to his podcasts on Apple, YouTube, Spotify, Rumble, and on his website ( They also get into dark money spent in elections, the Georgia indictments, Trump’s personality, and more. He announces his special coverage and conversations before and after the debate sign up at
Segment 11: Ray, David, Sophia, and Dee Dee talks about the over regulations that the government places on the citizens and how difficult it is to deal with any governmental agency.
Segment 12: Ray shares a text from George Prince and picture of Pammy’s Ice Cream Parlor‘s Strawberry Parfait.
Segment 13: Ray takes calls from Steve of Westbrook, and Dave from Punta Gorta.
Segment 14: Ray questions where are the Americans in the American government.
Segment 15: Ray continues his thoughts on the status of our country. He takes a call, reads a text from Dirigo Blue and then gives his thoughts regarding the text, he then takes more calls.
Segment 16: Ray talks about the miss-steps or bad decisions that people in the public eye and uses Rep. Lauren Boebert, Rep. Fetterman, Sen. Mitch McConnell, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Pres. Biden, as examples and keeps saying that if we want to be better, we need better people.