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09-25-17 1st Amendment
NFL, patriotism, respect and how the owners are handling this issue. David Jones weighs in with his opinion on how he, as an employer, would handle his employees that would do something while on his time, while representing David.
Part 2: Flag and Respect….Ray lays it out!!!
09-25-17 Hitting the NFL in their Pockets
Caller called in to say that he called his insurance is a sponsor of the NFL and he called to say stop sponsoring or I will drop you as my insurance company. Urged more people to respond where it hurts, their checkbooks.
09-25-17 Ray’s Facebook
Ray has had it with the Liberals!!!!! He isn’t going to have them call him racist or anybody else on his Facebook page. If you can’t make your point without foul, vulgar and disgusting language, your going to get banned from his Facebook account.