Ray and Debi talk about the double standard of the wiretapping and unmasking people in Washington. Fox News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland joins us to continue that with sources say Samantha Power sought to unmask Americans on almost a daily basis.
09-21-17 What’s Your Favorite Drink
Silly discussion with Ray, David Ciullo and Peter McFarland talk about their favorite beverages. Sweet Tea, Arnie Palmers, Eli’s Ginger Ale, and more tomfoolery…
09-21-17 Cumberland County Sheriff Kevin Joyce
CC Sheriff Kevin Joyce is caught between a rock and a hard place. Federal Judges makes rulings and Congress has laws and by addressing one problem it creates another. ICE apparently doesn’t work weekends.
09-21-17 Crazy
Ray goes crazy about how government rules us and we are loosing all of our personal rights from which bathroom you use to nuns having to buy maternity insurance.