Part 1: Maine State Sen. Shenna Bellows, Representing Senate District 14, introduced bipartisan legislation LD 444 to lower property taxes by restoring revenue sharing. She and Ray have a discussion about where the money would go if it was given to the towns/cities. Ray feels that there should be a tag on the money so that it would have to be used for the intended purpose, not just into the General Fund.
04-10-19 Mainers for Clean Energy Jobs
Part 1: Benjamin Dudley joins Ray to discuss the CMP (Central Maine Power) Connect that has been proposed to run through Maine from Canada to Massachusetts. He is the Director of Mainers for Clean Energy Jobs. It is a coalition of organizations and individuals who support the New England Clean Energy Connect (NECEC). They try to dispel some of the myths concerning this project. They talk about the opposition and the secrecy of who they are and who is funding them.
Part 2: Ray continues with his thoughts about the effects the Connect will have on our environment.
04-10-19 Ray Ray
Part 1: Ray briefly does a rundown of today’s show. He also touches on yesterday’s services for Detective Benjamin Campbell. Debi points out that by him being there, he probably saved the stranded motorist’s life. They talk about the Southern border and the double standard from the media. They also hit the culture of the moment and how words have been redefined. Ray plays “did you know?” according to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC).
Part 2: Ray reads a question from the Sage of K’bunk. Ray and Debi are joined by Fox News Radio’s Simon Owen to discuss the Israeli elections. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has all but secured a 5th term, this has been a really close election. Simon describes the “witch hunt” against Netanyahu and his path to power. Ray also talks about Chelsea Handler and doesn’t understand the reason that she is news.
Part 3: Ray talks about the Attorney General William Barr testimony to Congress.
Part 4: Ray talks about the State of Illinois and some of the crazy things that they are doing and how it will be coming to a state near you…He goes to through the history of how abortion came to being legal.
Part 5: Ray is joined by Fox News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland. She and Ray discuss the continuing Russian Collusion theory and the testimony of AJ Barr and his colored coded system of redaction.
04-09-19 Political Roundtable
Part 1: Ray and David talk about tax returns. They explain how they work and that the government isn’t giving you money. They are “returning” money that you have over-payed into the system.
Part 2: Maine Republican Party Chair Demi Kouzounas joins Ray and David. They give a nod to Det. Ben Campbell and Ray states that the Shuttle Services to the service has started. They turn their attention to the Maine’s Republican National Committeeman position.
Part 3: Ray asks Demi to describe the rally that is happening up in Augusta on April 15th. Ray asks if there will be elected folks speaking. They also talk about some of the taxes that are proposed on fuel. They continue to discuss some of the reasons people come to Maine and how Maine’s Legislature has not capitalized on the tourism industry. They also talk about the CMP corridor going through the Maine to Massachusetts. They take a call about the Corridor. They talk about nuclear and how clean it is and we need to get Wiscasset back up and running. We are in a culture of fear, what we need are leaders.
Part 4: Ray, David Jones and Demi Kouzounas talk about people that are real leaders. They aren’t meek and afraid to speak their opinion and beliefs. The also talk about the people that leaders. They talk about the abortion and death with dignity. They talk about the good that some of the people have made in history, that would have been discarded in the “future” society.
Part 5: Ray explains why he does what he does. They talk about the drugs that Narcan is designed to fight to save a life only to turn around and ultimately kill the old/sick people with the same drugs. Ray points out some of the proposed bills put in to diminish some of the laws we already have in place.