Part 1: Ray talks briefly about yesterday’s Eastpoint service. He and Debi also talk about the fact that the weather forecast has that four letter word in it, SNOW! Fox News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland joins with information regarding the Mueller Report and the possibility of prosecuting the leaks in Washington.
Part 2: Ray is dumb-founded with Augusta. There is another head-shaking bill that has been proposed….The bill, L.D. 1492 “An Act To Reform Drug Sentencing Laws“, was referred to the Legislature’s Criminal Justice Committee. The bill is sponsored by Rep. Pinny Beebe-Center (D – Rockland), and the proposal would redefine the definition of trafficking under Maine law to allow individuals to possess a larger amount of heroin, cocaine and fentanyl along with distribution materials without that possession being punishable as drug trafficking.
Part 3: Ray is joined by David Jones and they talk about the weather in this short segment.
04-05-19 Thanks for Listening
Part 1: Ray reads a little bit of an announcement from Alexander Willette. He is resigning as Maine’s Republican National Committeeman because he will be joining the Trump Administration as the Deputy Political Director for Outreach at the White House. He goes on to announce his support for Josh Tardy as his replacement on the committee. Congratulations to both of them. Ray also praises Committeewoman Ellie Espling and GOP Chair Demi Kouzounas for all of their hard work.
Part 2: Ray talks about the Maine Budget and the Medicaid expansion. He states where a lot of the financial information comes from, Kaiser Family Foundation. There is going to be a big cost to the Maine people (bigger than what is being reported). The fact is: Medicaid is a form of insurance. The taxpayers will now be paying for insurance for able-minded, able-bodied people that will not have to work to be able to get benefits. So now it is a hand-out, not a hand-up. Ray does a rundown on some of the cockamamie ideas that is coming out of Augusta.
Part 3: Ray talks about the some more of the Augusta “ideas” and budget. He talks about it is now time to call and/or email your representatives in Washington and Augusta. Your voice counts and should be heard, in a respectful way. Ray takes a call out of Bath and she is planning on attending the protest on April 15th in Augusta. She doesn’t understand the people moving here because they don’t like where they came from and try to change it to where they came from as soon as they get here. The caller and Ray also talk about Safe Injection sites.
Part 4: Ray reminds his audience about the segment from Wednesday about Eastpoint Christian Church.
04-04-19 The Boys of Thursday
Part 1: Ray and Bob Witkowski are joined by David Ciullo of Career Management Services and Dale Carnegie Maine, he also hosts The H.R. PowerHour on WLOB Radio. The boys talk about how the Medicaid expansion will affect the employers. Ray asks Dave for his thoughts about the paid leave legislation. The also talk about how difficult it is to bring people to Maine, especially if the job is not in Portland, but in another part of the state. They talk about the new mandates on businesses when the economy turns to the downside.
Part 2: Ray and Bob discuss baseball. Today is the Season Opener for the Sea Dogs. They talk about how special and intimate the Hadlock Field is for enjoying all of the family friendly festivities.
Part 3: Ray talks about the demand of Pres. Trump to release his tax returns. The request by Massachusetts Rep. Richard Neal, who heads the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee, is the first such demand for a sitting president’s tax information in 45 years. Ray wants to know why it isn’t important to know about the people that work for the government that is behind and why aren’t they being investigated. Ray and Bob discuss what is really happening.
Part 4: Ray talks about the proposed bill LD 1451 “An Act Providing Labor Unions with Reasonable Access to Current and Newly Hired Public Sector Workers”. This is a work around a Supreme Court Decision on Janus. If passed Unions will have more control. The Public Hearing will be on Wednesday, April 17, 2019 9:00 AM at the Cross Building, Room 202 in Augusta.
Part 5: Ray welcomes his weekly call from News Center Maine‘s Pat Callaghan. Today they start off by discussing Martin Luther King, Jr. They talk about his ability to bring people together in a peaceful protest. MLK wanted equality and they continue with where would the movement be if he had lived. Pat brings up the assignation of Bobby Kennedy and how he could have brought the Vietnam War to an end earlier than it ended. Ray talks about the premonitions of their deaths that Lincoln and King had.