Ray talks about Bill Diamond and All-Med Staffing of New England. Ray talks about the upcoming elections. Eric Brakey will be joining us next segment. Ray talks about how quiet this election has been so far in the Governor’s race. With less than six weeks to go and the ballots needing to be printed tomorrow, he believes that Ranked Choice Voting has everyone trying to figure out how to campaign.
04-12-18 Dan Cashman
Ray plays Paula Cole’s song “I don’t want to wait” to bring in Dan Cashman of The Nite Show with Dan Cashman. He will be taping his show again in Westbrook at the Westbrook Performing Art Center tomorrow night, Friday April 13. He explains why he brings his show on the road. Two shows are going to be filmed. The first show’s highlights is Former Gov. Baldacci, and Singer Paula Cole. They will have some free give-aways as well. Tickets are free.
04-12-18 Signs
Bob talks about signs and his Mom’s passing. Ray joins in on the signs God send you message. Bob and Ray talk about the Eastpoint Church. Bob describes the “all are welcomed” philosophy and Ray talks about the series that the Pastor Scott Taube started this last Sunday. He talks about the questions about whether or not this is what God want him to be doing. They also try and understand the Ranked Choice Voting.
04-12-18 100 Things To Do In Portland
Bob Witkowski of Visit Portland and author or 100 Things to do in Portland Maine Before You Die tells Ray and our audience about Susan’s Fish and Chips at 1135 Forest Street in Portland. Not only is the food unbelievably good, but they reward kids 8th grade and younger for good report cards.