Ray and Joe discuss fear and how it cannot dictate policy. The students of Parkland have a right to speak up, but unfortunately, they haven’t been taught the Constitution, how it works and don’t have life experiences. The logic behind the decisions don’t make since.
03-02-18 Shawn Moody
Part 1: Gubernatorial Candidate Shawn Moody joins Ray and Joe in studio. Ray asks Shawn how he would pick his cabinet if he is elected. He says that he feels that there is a lot of incest in politics. Shawn feels that they have to be able to stand up to the heat of standing up for policies, but have fresh ideas and not afraid to think outside the box. Shawnmoody.com
Part 2: Ray asks Shawn about his stance on gun control. Shawn feels that there are several different facets that need to be addressed.
Part 3: Ted Talbot calls in and talks about some of the funny messages on the turnpikes. There is a contest to add to have your message on one of these signs. There are prizes available. Go to mainedot.gov to learn more. Schools are on the fore-front right now and the boys discuss guns in the private sector. He feels strongly about school resource officers.
Part 4: Shawn goes back to the gun issues. He feels that there background checks, but we need to make sure that they are accurate. Mental illness is a huge part of it. There is a more to mental illness than just the gun issue. If we can help them become successful in life, it will help in so many different
03-01-18 Gun Debate
Part 1: Ray, Joe and Mark Reilly talk about the Red Flag Bill and dire situations. Pres. Trump says “just get the guns and we’ll worry about due process later”. That is unconstitutional. This has become an emotional fight, not a logical one.
Part 2: The discussion on guns continues. Bill, a frequently caller, joins the discussion and gives a “creative” suggestion for a deterrent. They also talk about the Maine Speaker and her posturing on the school safety. Another caller talks about how the due processes needs to not be forgotten. He also doesn’t feel that the schools should give the details of the security or safety plan. We don’t need to give people that want to do us harm a roadmap to our procedures to keep us and our children safe.
Part 3: Roger Daltrey’s 74th birthday is today and the boys briefly talk about him and the band The Who. Ray goes back to rigid ideology and the root problems that go to the gun issues we are having.
03-02-18 Messengers of Misery
Part 1: Ray and Joe discuss the latest MECEP press release: Tens of millions in proposed tax breaks for profitable businesses jeopardize Maine’s future. Ray asks “How do you get a tax refund if you don’t pay taxes. Joe says that the warped reasoning that if they tax the higher brackets more, they can fund their socialist programs. Joe also points out that the economy under Gov. Baldacci was so bad and they followed the MECEP’s plan.
Part 2: Ray reads a text messenger about the earned tax credit. Ray, Joe and Mark discuss the reasoning and results of this credit.