State Sen. Bill Diamond calls in on his way to Augusta. Today is the first day they are in session. Ray and Bill talk about a couple of things in front of the Legislature this session. Ranked Choice Voting, Hunting Licenses, Marijuana Laws, Medicaid Expansion are just to name a few. Good luck Bill, you’re gonna need it.
01-03-18 All-American Bowl
Platoon Sgt. Bryan Ivey joins us to tell us that on January 6, 2018 the U.S. Army All-American Bowl will once again kick off at San Antonio’s Alamodome. It will be televised on NBC at 1:00pm EST. U.S. Army All-Americans and U.S. Army All-Americans share key attributes, like leadership, adaptability and versatility, which enable them to prevail in challenging situations.
Second half Ray and Debi talk about a post on State Rep. Karen Gerrish’s Facebook page:
(3-5) Bill “An Act To Authorize Certain Health Care Professionals Who Are Not
Physicians To Perform Abortions”
(H.P. 1217) (L.D. 1763)
Sponsored by Representative McCREIGHT of Harpswell.
Cosponsored by Senator KATZ of Kennebec and Representatives: HYMANSON of
York, LONGSTAFF of Waterville, MOONEN of Portland, PERRY of Calais, Senators:
BREEN of Cumberland, CARSON of Cumberland, GRATWICK of Penobscot,
Submitted by the Department of the Attorney General pursuant to Joint Rule 203.
Committee on JUDICIARY suggested and ordered printed.
01-03-18 Abortion Bill
Ray and Debi talk about a new bill to be voted on in Augusta will allow an abortion to be performed by someone other than a doctor. There is a lot of head shaken goin’ on. I think Debi might loose her mind.
01-03-18 Ray and Life
Part 1: Ray and Debi talk about Ray on the gazelle and that it was 50 degrees in his room.
Part 2: Gordon Draper calls in to talk about the Pipe Line being shut down.
Part 3: Debi asks Ray to re-explain the tax plan and how it will work. Just so we are all clear.