Ray is joined by Joe Bruno and The Mighty John Marshall. Mighty John Marshall was born in Portland, Maine and has been a resident his entire life. In his 30 years as a DJ, Mighty John has Rock ‘n Rolled the Pine Tree State up and down the radio dial. Another notable Mainer, best-selling author Stephen King, once called Mighty John “a leading citizen of Rock ‘n’ Roll.” He now does record appraisals and can help you find out what your records are worth. He gives us some of examples of some of these treasures. This month a couple of mentions are The Temptations and Mary Wells. Contact him at www.moneymusic.com or email: mightyjohn@maine.rr.com and by phone: 207-767-4225.
09-28-18 It’s Friday!
Part 1: Ray and Joe Bruno discuss the testimony of Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh. Ray believes 3 things: 1.) Something happened to Dr. Ford. 2.) Judge Kavanaugh didn’t do it. 3.) The US Senate is a disgrace. Joe agrees with Ray’s summation.
Part 2: Ray plays a clip and then Rachel Sutherland of Fox News Radio joins the discussion. They talk about the hearing yesterday.
09-27-18 Collins/Callaghan
Part 1: Ray goes back to his thoughts on Sen. Susan Collins and how the Supreme Court proceedings have become nothing but a circus. He pleads with the Sen. to stand up and fight the modern day tyranny that is taking over our country. McCarthyism is alive and in practice now. McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence. Sen Collins, Stand up and do what is right.
Part 2: Ray welcomes News Center Maine’s Pat Callaghan. They begin with Pat and the Broadcaster Hall of Fame. They talk about the Supreme Court Nomination of Judge Kavanaugh.
Part 3: They talk about the Kavanaugh developments with the guys coming forward on behalf of the Judge. Ray asks Pat what are his thoughts.
09-27-18 Rowe Ford’s Drive For Your School
Part 1: Ray joined by Rob O’Leary and Mark Camp of Rowe Ford. Rob is the Athletic Director of Portland High School. They are here to promote Drive For Your School. It is a fun fundraiser. Rowe Ford will donate to Portland High School for test driving a qualifying car. Rob describes some of their programs and where the funds will benefit. There will be specific cars that qualify for the fundraiser. Come down for hamburgers, hot dogs and fun on this Saturday, September 29. Mark describes how Rowe Ford can help you or your organization. This event is being held at Rowe Ford at 91 Main Street in Westbrook from 8am to 1pm. Ray talks about the Camp family and how supportive they are of the community. Ray continue to talk about the Camp Family and how they are always supporting their community and how fun it is to test drive cars. Ray describes his daughter’s experience in buying a car and how she was treated at Rowe.